Source code for das.augmentation

"""Waveform level augmentations.

Individual implementations of `Augmentation` are callables that accept
the signal to augment as an argument and return the augmented signal.

Augmentation parameters can be `Constant`, or random with `Normal` or `Uniform` distribution.
Random parameters will be sampled from a given distribution anew for each augmentation.

`aug = Gain(gain=Normal(mean=1, std=0.5)); augmented_signal = aug(signal)`

Can be configured using a yaml file:
Gain:  # Name of the augmentation class
  gain:  # arg for the augmentation class
    Uniform:  # Param type
       lower: 0.5  # param args
       upper: 2  # param args

      mean: 0
      std: 0.05
       value: 0

  freq:  # Param-type arg
      lower: 100
      upper: 600
  Q: 30  # standard arg
  samplerate_Hz: 10_000  # standard arg
Caution: You need to add a suffix starting with '-' (like "MaskNoise-1") to the class name
         if you want to use a class multiple times

`augs = Augmentations.from_yaml(filename)`
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Optional
import scipy.signal
import yaml
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

aug_dict = dict()
params_dict = dict()

def _register_augmentation(func):
    """Adds func to model_dict Dict[augname: augfunc]. For selecting augs by string."""
    aug_dict[func.__name__] = func
    return func

def _register_param(func):
    """Adds func to model_dict Dict[paramname: paramfunc]. For selecting params by string."""
    params_dict[func.__name__] = func
    return func

[docs]@dataclass class Param: """Base class for all parameters. Parameters are callables that return parameter values. """ def __call__(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
[docs]@_register_param class Constant(Param): """Constant parameter.""" def __init__(self, value: float = 0.0): """ Args: value (float, optional): Constant parameter value. Defaults to 0.0. """ self.value = value def __call__(self, shape=1) -> np.ndarray: return self.value * np.ones(shape) def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(value={self.value})" def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(value={self.value})"
[docs]@_register_param class Normal(Param): """Normally distributed parameter.""" def __init__(self, mean: float = 0.0, std: float = 1.0): """ Args: mean (float, optional): Mean of the Normal pdf. Defaults to 0.0. std (float, optional): Standerd deviation of the Normal pdf. Defaults to 1.0. """ self.mean = mean self.std = std def __call__(self, shape=1) -> np.ndarray: return np.random.normal(self.mean, self.std, size=shape) def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(mean={self.mean}, std={self.std})" def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(mean={self.mean}, std={self.std})"
[docs]@_register_param class Uniform(Param): """Uniformly distributed parameter.""" def __init__(self, lower: float = -1.0, upper: float = 1.0): """ Args: lower (float, optional): Lower bound. Defaults to -1.0. upper (float, optional): Upper bound. Defaults to 1.0. """ self.lower = lower self.upper = upper def __call__(self, shape=1) -> np.ndarray: return np.random.uniform(self.lower, self.upper, size=shape) def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lower={self.lower}, upper={self.upper})" def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lower={self.lower}, upper={self.upper})"
[docs]@dataclass class Augmentation: """Base class for all augmentations. Augmentations are callables that return the augmented input. Can optionally pass through a second input. batch_x is expected to be [batch, time, channel]. _apply works on [time, channel] inputs """ def __call__(self, batch_x, batch_y=None): this_batch_x = batch_x.copy() for batch in range(batch_x.shape[0]): this_batch_x[batch, ...] = self._apply(this_batch_x[batch, ...]) if batch_y is None: return this_batch_x else: return this_batch_x, batch_y def _apply(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return x
[docs]@_register_augmentation class Gain(Augmentation): """Multiply signal with gain factor.""" def __init__(self, gain: Param): """ Args: gain (Param): Gain. """ self.gain = gain def _apply(self, x): x *= self.gain() return x
# def __repr__(self): # return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(gain={self.gain.__repr__()})"
[docs]@_register_augmentation class NormalizeMax(Augmentation): """Multiply signal with gain factor.""" def __init__(self): pass def _apply(self, x): x /= np.nanmax(np.abs(x), initial=1.0) return x
[docs]@_register_augmentation class NormalizePercentile(Augmentation): """Multiply signal with gain factor.""" def __init__(self, percentile: Param): self.percentile = percentile def _apply(self, x): x /= np.nanpercentile(x, self.percentile()) return x
[docs]@_register_augmentation class NormalizeStd(Augmentation): """Multiply signal with gain factor.""" def __init__(self): pass def _apply(self, x): x /= np.nanstd(x) return x
[docs]@_register_augmentation class Offset(Augmentation): """Add horizontal offset.""" def __init__(self, offset: Param): """ Args: offset (Param): Offset. """ self.offset = offset def _apply(self, x): x = x + self.offset() return x
[docs]@_register_augmentation class HorizontalFlip(Augmentation): """Horizontally flip signal.""" def __init__(self, flip: Param): """ Args: flip (Param): Signal is flipped if >0. """ self.flip = flip def _apply(self, x): if self.flip() > 0: x *= -1 return x
[docs]@_register_augmentation class Upsampling(Augmentation): """Upsample signal.""" def __init__(self, factor: Param): """ Args: factor (Param): Upsampling factor. Raises: ValueError: if 'lower' attr of factor is <1 (would correspond to downsampling). """ if hasattr(factor, "lower") and factor.lower < 1: # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"Factor is {factor} - at the moment only upsampling (factors >= 1) is allowed.") self.factor = factor def _apply(self, x): len_x = x.shape[0] x = scipy.signal.resample_poly(x, up=int(len_x * self.factor()), down=len_x) x = x[:len_x] return x
[docs]@_register_augmentation class MaskNoise(Augmentation): """Add noise or replace signal by noise for the full duration or a part of it.""" def __init__( self, std: Optional[Param] = None, mean: Optional[Param] = None, duration: Optional[Param] = None, add: bool = True ): """ Args: std (Optional[Param]): std of noise. Defaults to 1. mean (Optional[Param]): mean of noise. Defaults to 0. duration (Optional[Param]): nb_samples, Optional. If omitted will mask full duration. add (bool): add or replace. Defaults to True. """ if std is None: std = Constant(1) self.std = std if mean is None: mean = Constant(0) self.mean = mean self.duration = duration self.add = add def _apply(self, x): len_x = x.shape[0] if self.duration is None: mask_start = 0 duration = len_x else: duration = int(self.duration()) mask_start = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len_x - duration) noise = np.random.randn(duration, *x.shape[1:]) * self.std() + self.mean() if self.add: x[mask_start : mask_start + duration, :] += noise else: x[mask_start : mask_start + duration, :] = noise return x def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(std={self.mean}, mean={self.mean})"
[docs]@_register_augmentation class MaskMean(Augmentation): """Replaces stretch of `duration` samples with mean over that stretch.""" def __init__(self, duration: Param): """ Args: duration (Param): Duration of the stretch, in samples. """ self.duration = duration def _apply(self, x): len_x = x.shape[0] duration = int(self.duration()) mask_start = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len_x - duration) x[mask_start : mask_start + duration, :] = np.mean(x[mask_start : mask_start + duration], axis=0) return x
[docs]@_register_augmentation class CircShift(Augmentation): """Circularly shift input along the first axis.""" def __init__(self, shift: Param): """ Args: shift (Param): Amount of shift, in samples. """ self.shift = shift def _apply(self, x): x = np.roll(x, self.shift().astype(int), axis=0) return x
[docs]@_register_augmentation class NotchFilter(Augmentation): """Notch filter.""" def __init__(self, freq: Param, Q: float = 30, samplerate_Hz: float = 10_000): """ Args: freq (Param): freq to remove, in Hz. """ self.freq = freq self.Q = Q self.samplerate_Hz = samplerate_Hz def _apply(self, x): b, a = scipy.signal.iirnotch(self.freq(), self.Q, self.samplerate_Hz) x = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, x, axis=0) return x
[docs]class Augmentations: """Bundles several augmentations.""" def __init__(self, augmentations: List[Augmentation]): """ Args: augmentations (List[Augmentation]): List of Augmentation instances. """ self.augmentations = augmentations def __call__(self, batch_x, batch_y=None): for augmentation in self.augmentations: batch_x = augmentation(batch_x) if batch_y is None: return batch_x else: return batch_x, batch_y def __len__(self): return len(self.augmentations) @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, filename: str): aug_spec = yaml.safe_load(open(filename, "r")) return cls.from_dict(aug_spec) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, aug_spec: Dict): augs = [] for name, args in aug_spec.items(): name = name.split("-", 1)[0] # split off "-WHATEVER" suffix params = dict() if args is not None: # for augs without args for a_name, a_arg in args.items(): if isinstance(a_arg, dict): # Param-type arg p_name = list(a_arg.keys())[0] p_args = a_arg[p_name] # if no args for Params are provided, use defaults if p_args is None: p_args = {} params[a_name] = params_dict[p_name](**p_args) else: # standard arg params[a_name] = a_arg logger.debug(params) aug = aug_dict[name](**params) logger.debug(aug) augs.append(aug) return cls(augs)