Source code for etho.client

import time
import numpy as np
import logging
from itertools import cycle
from rich.progress import Progress
import rich
import threading
import _thread as thread
import queue
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Any
import psutil

from import rich_information

from . import config
from .utils.config import readconfig, undefaultify
from .utils.sound import parse_table, load_sounds, build_playlist

from .services.ThuAZeroService import THUA
from .services.DAQZeroService import DAQ
from .services.GCMZeroService import GCM
from .services.NICounterZeroService import NIC

def timed(fn, s, *args, **kwargs):
    quit_fun = thread.interrupt_main  # raises KeyboardInterrupt
    timer = threading.Timer(s, quit_fun)
        result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
    except:  # catch KeyboardInterrupt for silent timeouts
        result = 1
    return result

def kill_child_processes():
        parent = psutil.Process()
    except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
    children = parent.children(recursive=True)
    for child in children:
        child.terminate()  # friendly termination
    _, still_alive = psutil.wait_procs(children, timeout=3)
    for child in still_alive:
        child.kill()  # unfriendly termination

[docs]def client( protocolfile: str, playlistfile: Optional[str] = None, *, save_prefix: Optional[str] = None, show_progress: bool = True, debug: bool = False, preview: bool = False, _stop_event: Optional[threading.Event] = None, _done_event: Optional[threading.Event] = None, _queue: Optional[queue.Queue] = None, ): """Starts an experiment. Args: protocolfile (str): _description_ playlistfile (Optional[str]): _description_. save_prefix (Optional[str]): Specify the stem of the filename for all saved data and logs. Will defaults to HOSTNAME-YYYYMMDD_hhmmss, where HOSTNAME is the computer name the service is run on (typically localhost). show_progress (bool): Show a progress bar. Disable if performance is criticial. debug (bool): More verbose logs. preview (bool): Preview the camera (will disable saving and logging and only open a window with the camera view). _stop_event (threading.Event, optional): Used to stop the task from an outside thread. Defaults to None. _done_event (threading.Event, optional): Set to signal that the task is done/stopped to an outside thread. Defaults to None. _queue (queue.Queue, optional): Signal the expected duration of the task to outside funs. Defaults to None. """ # load config/protocols prot = readconfig(protocolfile) logging.debug(prot) defaults = config defaults['host'] = 'localhost' if defaults["python_exe"] is None: defaults["python_exe"] = "python" if defaults["serializer"] is None: defaults["serializer"] = "pickle" rich.print(defaults) # unique file name for video and node-local logs if save_prefix is None: save_prefix = f"{defaults['host']}-{time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}""Saving as {save_prefix}.") new_console = debug services = {} if "THUA" in prot["use_services"] and not preview: this = defaults.copy() # update `this`` with service specific host params if "host" in prot["THUA"]: this.update(prot["THUA"]["host"]) thua = THUA.make( this["serializer"], this["user"], this["host"], this["python_exe"], ) thua.setup(prot["THUA"]["port"], prot["THUA"]["interval"], prot["maxduration"] + 10) thua.init_local_logger("{0}/{1}/{1}_thu.log".format(this["savefolder"], save_prefix)) services["THUA"] = thua gcm_keys = [key for key in prot["use_services"] if "GCM" in key] for gcm_cnt, gcm_key in enumerate(gcm_keys): # if gcm_key in prot["use_services"] and gcm_key in prot: this = defaults.copy() this.update(prot[gcm_key]) host_is_remote = "host" in prot[gcm_key] if "port" not in prot[gcm_key]: prot[gcm_key]["port"] = GCM.SERVICE_PORT + gcm_cnt gcm = GCM.make( this["serializer"], this["user"], this["host"], this["python_exe"], host_is_remote=host_is_remote, new_console=new_console, port=prot[gcm_key]["port"], ) cam_params = undefaultify(prot[gcm_key]) if not preview: maxduration = prot["maxduration"] + 10 else: maxduration = 1_000_000 if preview: cam_params["callbacks"] = {"disp_fast": None} save_suffix = f"_{gcm_cnt+1}" if gcm_cnt > 0 else "" gcm.setup( f"{this['savefolder']}/{save_prefix}/{save_prefix}{save_suffix}", maxduration, cam_params, ) if not preview: gcm.init_local_logger(f"{this['savefolder']}/{save_prefix}/{save_prefix}{save_suffix}_gcm.log") services[gcm_key] = gcm daq_keys = [key for key in prot["use_services"] if "DAQ" in key] daq_keys = [] if preview else daq_keys for daq_cnt, daq_key in enumerate(daq_keys): this = defaults.copy() this.update(prot[daq_key]) if "device" not in prot[daq_key]: prot[daq_key]["device"] = "Dev1" if "port" not in prot[daq_key]: prot[daq_key]["port"] = DAQ.SERVICE_PORT + daq_cnt if this["host"] in config["ATTENUATION"]: # use node specific attenuation data attenuation = config["ATTENUATION"][this["host"]]"Using attenuation data specific to {this['host']}.") else: attenuation = config["ATTENUATION"] # Load/generate all stimuli specified in playlist fs = prot[daq_key]["samplingrate"] playlist = parse_table(playlistfile) sounds = load_sounds( playlist, fs, attenuation=attenuation, LEDamp=prot[daq_key]["ledamp"], stimfolder=config["stimfolder"], ) sounds = [sound.astype(np.float64) for sound in sounds] # Generate stimulus sequence (shuffle, loop playlist) playlist_items, totallen = build_playlist(sounds, prot["maxduration"], fs, shuffle=prot[daq_key]["shuffle"]) if prot["maxduration"] == -1:"Setting maxduration from playlist to {totallen}.") prot["maxduration"] = totallen playlist_items = cycle(playlist_items) # iter(playlist_items) else: playlist_items = cycle(playlist_items) # split analog and digital outputs # TODO: catch errors if channel numbers are inconsistent - sounds[ii].shape[-1] should be nb_analog+nb_digital if prot[daq_key]["digital_chans_out"] is not None: nb_digital_chans_out = len(prot[daq_key]["digital_chans_out"]) digital_data = [snd[:, -nb_digital_chans_out:].astype(np.uint8) for snd in sounds] analog_data = [snd[:, :-nb_digital_chans_out] for snd in sounds] # remove digital traces from stimset else: digital_data = None analog_data = sounds daq = DAQ.make( this["serializer"], this["user"], this["host"], this["python_exe"], new_console=new_console, port=prot[daq_key]["port"], ) save_suffix = f"_{daq_cnt+1}" if daq_cnt > 0 else "" daq.setup( f"{this['savefolder']}/{save_prefix}/{save_prefix}{save_suffix}", playlist_items, playlist, prot["maxduration"], fs, dev_name=prot[daq_key]["device"], clock_source=prot[daq_key]["clock_source"], nb_inputsamples_per_cycle=prot[daq_key]["nb_inputsamples_per_cycle"], analog_chans_in=prot[daq_key]["analog_chans_in"], analog_chans_in_limits=None, analog_chans_in_terminals=None, analog_chans_out=prot[daq_key]["analog_chans_out"], analog_chans_out_limits=None, analog_data_out=analog_data, digital_chans_out=prot[daq_key]["digital_chans_out"], digital_data_out=digital_data, metadata={ "analog_chans_in_info": prot[daq_key]["analog_chans_in_info"], "analog_chans_out_info": prot[daq_key]["analog_chans_out_info"], "digitial_chans_out_info": prot[daq_key]["digitial_chans_out_info"], }, params=undefaultify(prot[daq_key]), ) daq.init_local_logger(f"{this['savefolder']}/{save_prefix}/{save_prefix}{save_suffix}_daq.log") services[daq_key] = daq if "NIC" in prot["use_services"]: this = defaults.copy() this.update(prot["NIC"]) # update `this`` with service specific host params if "host" in prot["NIC"]: this.update(prot["NIC"]["host"]) nic = NIC.make( this["serializer"], this["user"], this["host"], this["python_exe"], new_console=new_console, port=prot["NIC"]["port"], ) nic_params = undefaultify(prot["NIC"]) nic.setup( nic_params["output_channel"], prot["maxduration"] + 10, nic_params["frequency"], nic_params["duty_cycle"], nic_params, ) nic.init_local_logger(f"{this['savefolder']}/{save_prefix}/{save_prefix}{save_suffix}_daq.log") # display config info for key, s in services.items(): rich_information(s.information(), prefix=key)"Starting services") # First, start video services - this will start acquisition or, if external triggering is enabled, arm the cameras to wait for the triggers time_last_cam_started = time.time() + 5 # in case no cam was initialized for service_name, service in services.items(): if "GCM" in service_name or "THUA" in service_name:" {service_name}.") service.start() time_last_cam_started = time.time() time.sleep(0.5) # start the counter task for triggering frames if "NIC" in prot["use_services"]:" NI Counter service.") nic.start() time_last_cam_started = time.time() # Wait 5 seconds for cams to run if daq_keys: while time.time() - time_last_cam_started < 5: time.sleep(0.1) # Start DAQ services for service_name, service in services.items(): if "DAQ" in service_name:" {service_name}.") service.start()"All services started.") if show_progress: total = 0 for service_name, service in services.items(): total = max(total, service.progress()["total"]) if _queue is not None: _queue.put(total) cli_progress(services, save_prefix, _stop_event, _done_event) else: return services
[docs]def cli_progress( services: Dict[str, Any], save_prefix: str, stop_event: Optional[threading.Event] = None, done_event: Optional[threading.Event] = None, ): """_summary_ Args: services (_type_): Dictionary of intialized services. save_prefix (_type_): Name of the expt. stop_event (_type_, optional): Used to stop the task from an outside thread. Defaults to None. done_event (_type_, optional): Set to signal that the task is done/stopped to an outside thread. Defaults to None. """ with Progress() as progress: tasks = {} for service_name, service in services.items(): tasks[service_name] = progress.add_task(f"[red]{service_name}", total=service.progress()["total"]) RUN = True STOPPED_PREMATURELY = False while RUN and not progress.finished: for task_name, task_id in tasks.items(): if stop_event is not None and stop_event.is_set(): break if progress._tasks[task_id].finished: continue try: p = timed(services[task_name].progress, 5) description = None if "framenumber" in p: description = f"{task_name} {p['framenumber_delta'] / p['elapsed_delta']: 7.2f} fps" progress.update(task_id, completed=p["elapsed"], description=description) except: # if call times out, stop progress display - this will stop the display whenever a task times out - not necessarily when a task is done progress.stop_task(task_id) time.sleep(1) if stop_event is not None and stop_event.is_set():"Received STOP signal. Cancelling jobs:") for task_name, task_id in tasks.items(): progress.stop_task(task_id) RUN = False STOPPED_PREMATURELY = True time.sleep(1) if STOPPED_PREMATURELY:"Finishing jobs.") for service_name, service in services.items():" {service_name}") if service_name == "THUA": continue # if service_name == 'GCM' and service.finished: # continue try: service.finish() except Exception as e: logging.warning(" Failed.") print(e)" done.") time.sleep(4) if stop_event is not None and not stop_event.is_set() and done_event is not None: done_event.set()"Cleaning up jobs.") kill_child_processes()"Done with experiment {save_prefix}.")