Global configuration#

Specified in the ethoconfig.yaml yaml file in the ~/ethoconfig directory. Example:

  python_exe: C:/Users/USER/miniconda3/python.exe
  playlistfolder: C:/Users/USER/ethoconfig/playlists
  protocolfolder: C:/Users/USER/ethoconfig/protocols
  stimfolder: C:/Users/USER/ethoconfig/stim
  calibrationfolder: C:/Users/USER/ethoconfig/calibrations[FUTURE]
  savefolder: C:/Users/USER/data
  • python_exe: C:/Users/USER/miniconda3/python.exe: Path of the python executable in the etho environment. Used when starting the services. This global value can be overriden by specifying a python_exe for each service in the protocol. That way, different services can run in different environments during the same experiment.

  • playlistfolder: C:/Users/USER/ethoconfig/playlists

  • protocolfolder: C:/Users/USER/ethoconfig/protocols

  • `stimfolder: C:/Users/USER/ethoconfig/stim # folder for reading stimulus wav files specified in the playlists

  • calibrationfolder: C:/Users/USER/ethoconfig/calibrations: Currently unused Folder with calibration files (audio, opto, piezo)

  • savefolder: C:/Users/USER/data: Parent directory for saving all videos, audios, logs etc.