Stimulus playlists#
Playlist format#
Playlists are tables saved as tab-delimited text files:
stimFileName |
silencePre |
silencePost |
delayPost |
intensity |
freq |
superstimulus.wav |
1000 |
1000 |
0 |
1.0 |
100 |
SIN_100_0_3000 |
1000 |
1000 |
0 |
1.0 |
100 |
mediocre_stim.wav, MIRROR_LED |
1000 |
1000 |
0 |
1.0 |
100 |
[PUL_5_10_10_0, SIN_200_0_2000] |
1000 |
1000 |
0 |
1.0 |
100 |
[SIN_100_0_3000, SIN_200_0_2000] |
1000 |
1000 |
0 |
1.0 |
100 |
[SIN_100_0_3000, SIN_200_0_2000] |
[1000, 1000] |
[1000, 1000] |
[0, 0] |
[1.0, 1.0] |
[100, 100] |
[SIN_100_0_3000, SIN_200_0_2000] |
[1000, 2000] |
[2000, 1000] |
[0, 0] |
[1.0, 2.0] |
[100, 200] |
[, SIN_200_0_2000] |
1000 |
1000 |
0 |
1.0 |
100 |
The first row is a header that contain the following column names:
: If not a magic name, full filename (w/ extension but w/o directory). File needs to be single-channel*.wav
. Currently defined magic names are:SIN*
(see below for details what these do - typically define on-the-fly generated stimuli).silencePre
(ms): zeros pre-pended to the stimulussilencePost
(ms): zeros post-pended to the stimulusdelayPost
(ms, unused):descriptionintensity
(mm/s or dB for sound, mW/mm2 for light): Stimulus intensity.freq
(Hz for sound or nm for light): Used as a key into the attenuation dictionary defined in the global, rig-specific configuration fileethoconfig.ini
. The frequency specific attenuation value scales the stimulus such that 1V in the stimulus maps to 1 intensity unit.MODE
(unused): Can be used to define callbacks.
Magic stimulus names#
The stimulus name can point to a wav file in the ethoconfig/stim
. Or:
: Generate sinusoid with frequency (Hz), phase (rad), and duration (ms) specified in the stimulus name. Will start after silencePre and end before silencePost.PUL_pulseDur_pulsePau_pulseNumber_pulseDelay
: Generate pulse train (square pulses) with pulse duration, pause, number and intial delay specified in stimulus name (all time units in ms). Will start after silencePre and end before silencePost.MIRROR_LED
: Will mirror the stimulus in the first channel that does not as a pulse train (pdur & ppau 5ms). Will start after silencePre and end before silencePost.CLOCK_pulseDur_pulsePau
: Create a clock signal (for instance for continuously triggering frames). Generate continuous pulse train with pulse duration and pause specified in stimulus name (all time units in ms). Will start after sample 0 (not silencePre) and end at the last sample (not before silencePost).SI_START
: Will add start acquisition, stop acquisition and next file triggers for remote controlling scanimage to the channel. All three stimuli should be specified in the playlist for each stimulus, not just the first or the last one. This will make sure that e.g. starts are triggered even with shuffled playback.SI_START
will set the digital output to 1 for the first 2ms of the stimulus (starting at sample 0, not at silencePre),SI_STOP
will set the last 2ms (not before silencePost) to 1. Scanimage should be configured for external triggering with the correct digital channels. The start trigger should be set to “rising”, the stop and next triggers to “falling”. See ScanImage docs for details.
There are several ways to specify multi-channel data:#
Remaining columns will be duplicated to have same number of elements as the output channels. Rows #5 will be converted implicitly to row #6 - note that this can be problematic if stimuli required different attenuations (e.g. if stimuli on different channels have different frequencies) since the
field will also be duplicated.[,stim2]
defines stimulation in which the first output channel is filled with zeros.Duration of a row in the playlist is given by the duration of the longest stimulus across channels. All stimuli will start at the same time (after silencePre). Shorter stimuli will be padded with zeros at the end to match duration of longest stimulus in the channel set.
Multi-channel stimulation#
: One entry per channel, as a bracketed, comma-separated list,[stim_on_chan1, stim_on_chan2, ...]
. Analog and digital are concatenated, with the first channels being the analog outputs, followed by the digital outputs. Whitespace surrounding stimulus names is stripped).[,stim2]
defines stimulation in which the first output channel is filled with zeros.The remaining columns can also be given as comma-separated lists of values to set different intensities or
for each channel. If fewer entries than channels, then the list will be padded to the number of channels with the last entry in the list.The total duration of the multi-channel stimulus is adjusted to the duration of the longest stimulus across all channels, by zero-padding at the end the shorter stimuli.
Load the playlist like so:
from ethomaster.utils.sound import parse_table, normalize_table
# returns a raw pandas dataframe
raw_table = pd.read_table(playlistfilename, dtype=None, delimiter='\t')
# casts all cells in the table to lists of the correct type and
parsed_table = parse_table(raw_table, dtypes=[str, float, float, float, float, float, str])
# normalizes all cells in a row to have the same number of entries as there are stimuli
playlist = normalize_table(parsed_table)
Or simply playlist = parse_table(playlistfilename)
Sounds can be generated from the playlist via:
from ethomaster.utils.sound import load_sounds
sounds = load_sounds(playlist, fs=1000, attenuation=None, stimfolder='~/stimuli'):
This will return a list of multidimensional numpy arrays, one item per row in the playlist file.