
  • Install conda if you do not have it. We recommend miniforge.

Python packages#

Create conda environment, activate the environment and install the remaining pip packages:

mamba create python=3.10 numpy scipy h5py opencv pandas pyzmq gevent future pillow msgpack-python pyyaml pyserial ipython pip git defopt flammkuchen msgpack-numpy rich fabric psutil pydaqmx pyqtgraph qtpy pyside6 zarr -c conda-forge -n etho -y
conda activate etho
pip install git+ git+ --no-deps

Modify versions if:

  • on the rpi PC: install pandas=0.23 and python=3.7

  • you want to use the old flycapture SDK (required for some older FLIR/PointGrey cameras), install python=3.6

Initialize the configuration and test#

Activate the environment and initialize hte config files and folders:

conda activate etho
etho init

This will create the ~/data folder for storing all data and the ~/ethoconfig folder with:

Start the GUI in the activate etho environment with etho gui.

Optional packages (hardware, software)#

  • For saving videos using vidread: pip install vidgear[core]

  • ximea cameras: driver and python package from ximea

  • Spinnaker (FLIR cameras) cameras: driver and python package from FLIR

  • flycapture (old FLIR/PointGrey cameras) cameras: driver and python package from FLIR (only works with python 3.6)

  • Basler pylon:

  • ni daqmx driver:

  • hamamatsu DCAM (e.g. Orca Flash CMOS):

  • lighcrafter stuff:

    • TODO

  • Raspbery PI

    • gpiozero

    • picamera should come pre-installed in raspbian sudo pip install "picamera[array]"

    • soundboard

    • Temperature and humidity sensor adafruit_dht: pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-dht, sudo apt-get install libgpiod2