Source code for

"""Utils for loading and manipulating data for training and prediction."""
import numpy as np
import tensorflow.keras as keras
import dask.array
from typing import Optional, Callable, Sequence, List
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

[docs]def unpack_batches(x: np.ndarray, padding: int = 0): """[summary] Args: x ([type]): [description] padding (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0. Returns: [type]: [description] """ if padding > 0: x = x[:, padding:-padding, ...] # reshape everything from [batch, hist, classes] to [time, classes] <- ??? x = x.reshape((-1, x.shape[-1])) return x
def get_data_from_gen(data_gen): # PREPEND data_padding samples of zeros/nans so we match len(x)? and postpend nans to match len(x) as well? x, y = data_gen.unroll(return_x=True, merge_batches=True) # reshape from [batches, nb_hist, ...] to [time, ...] x = unpack_batches(x, data_gen.data_padding) if y is not None: y = unpack_batches(y, data_gen.data_padding) return x, y
[docs]def sub_range(data_len, fraction: float, min_nb_samples: int = 0, seed=None): """[summary] Args: data_len (int): total length of data fraction (float): fraction of data_len to use seed (float): seed random number generator for reproducible subset selection Returns: first_sample (int), last_sample (int) """ np.random.seed(seed) sub_len = int(max(np.ceil(fraction * data_len), np.ceil(min_nb_samples))) first_sample = np.random.randint(low=0, high=data_len - sub_len - 1) last_sample = first_sample + sub_len + 1 return first_sample, last_sample
[docs]def compute_class_weights(y: np.ndarray) -> List[float]: """_summary_ Args: y (np.ndarray): [T, nb_classes] Returns: np.ndarray: nb_classes """ nb_classes = y.shape[1] # chunk y yy = dask.array.from_array(y) nb_chunks = len(yy.chunks[0]) # count classes over blocks (dask.array.map_blocks does nto work fsr) counts = np.zeros((nb_chunks, nb_classes)) for cnt, block in enumerate(tqdm(yy.blocks, total=nb_chunks, desc="Counting class occurrences")): counts[cnt, :] = np.sum(block.compute().astype(float), axis=0) # aggregate and normalize class_weights = np.sum(counts, axis=0) class_weights /= np.sum(class_weights) class_weights = [1 / class_weight for class_weight in class_weights] return class_weights
[docs]class AudioSequence(keras.utils.Sequence): """[summary] Methods: ... """ def __init__( self, x: np.ndarray, y: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, batch_size: int = 32, shuffle: bool = True, nb_hist: int = 1, y_offset: Optional[int] = None, stride: int = 1, cut_trailing_dim: bool = False, with_y_hist: bool = False, data_padding: int = 0, first_sample: int = 0, last_sample: Optional[int] = None, output_stride: int = 1, nb_repeats: int = 1, shuffle_subset: Optional[float] = None, unpack_channels: bool = False, mask_input: Optional[int] = None, batch_processor: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, class_weights: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None, **kwargs, ): """[summary] x and y can be mem-mapped numpy arrays or lazily loaded hdf5 (zarr, xarray) datasets. Dask arrays do not work since they are immutable. Args: x (np.ndarray): [nb_samples, ...] y (np.ndarray, optional): [nb_samples, nb_classes] - class probabilities - so sum over classes for each sample should be 1.0. Defaults to None. If None, getitem will only return x batches - neither y nor sample weights batch_size (int, optional): number of batches to return. Defaults to 32. shuffle (bool, optional): randomize order of batches. Defaults to True. nb_hist (int, optional): nb of time steps per batch. Defaults to 1. y_offset (int, optional): time offset between x and y. nb_hist/2 if None (predict central sample in each batch). Defaults to None. stride (int, optional): nb of time steps between batches. Defaults to 1. cut_trailing_dim (bool, optional): Remove trailing dimension. Defaults to False. with_y_hist (bool, optional): y as central value of the x_hist window (False) or the full sequence covering the x_hist window (True). Defaults to False. data_padding (int, optional): if > 0, will set weight of as many samples at start and end of nb_hist window to zero. Defaults to 0. first_sample (int): 0 last_sample (int, optional): None - last_sample in x, otherwise last_sample output_stride (int): Take every Nth sample as output. Useful in combination with a "downsampling frontend". Defaults to 1 (every sample). nb_repeats (int): Number of repeats before the dataset runs out of data. Defaults to 1 (no repeats). shuffle_subset (float): Fraction of batches to use - only works if shuffle=True unpack_channels (bool): For multi-channel models with single-channel preprocessing - unpack [nb_hist, nb_channels] -> [nb_channels * [nb_hist, 1]] mask_input (int): half width of the number of central samples to mask. Defaults to None (no masking). batch_processor (Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], optional): For augmentations. Defaults to None. class_weights (Sequence[float], optional): Weights for each class used for balancing. Defaults to None (no balancing). """ # TODO clarify "channels" semantics self.x, self.y = x, y self.first_sample = first_sample self.last_sample = self.x.shape[0] if last_sample is None else last_sample self.nb_samples = self.last_sample - self.first_sample self.nb_repeats = nb_repeats self.output_stride = output_stride self.with_y = False if self.y is None else True if self.with_y: self.nb_classes = self.y.shape[-1] else: self.nb_classes = 0 # if no y data self.batch_size = batch_size self.stride = stride self.shuffle = shuffle self.shuffle_subset = shuffle_subset self.x_hist = nb_hist self.with_y_hist = with_y_hist self.data_padding = data_padding self.unpack_channels = unpack_channels self.class_weights = class_weights self.mask_input = mask_input s0 = self.first_sample / self.stride s1 = (self.last_sample - self.x_hist - 1) / self.stride self.allowed_batches = np.arange(s0, s1, dtype=np.uintp) # choose from all existing batches if self.shuffle_subset is not None: # only choose from a fixed subset of existing batches self.allowed_batches = np.random.choice( self.allowed_batches, size=int(len(self.allowed_batches) * self.shuffle_subset), replace=False ) if y_offset is None: self.y_offset = int(self.x_hist / 2) else: self.y_offset = int(y_offset) # ignore padding samples at beginning and end of x_hist to avoid boundary conditions problems if self.with_y_hist: self.weights = np.ones((self.batch_size, self.x_hist)) if self.data_padding > 0: self.weights[:, : self.data_padding] = 0 self.weights[:, -self.data_padding :] = 0 self.weights = self.weights[:, ::output_stride] else: self.weights = np.ones((self.batch_size,)) self.batch_processor = batch_processor self._idx_offset = 0
[docs] def unroll(self, return_x=True, merge_batches=True): """[summary] Args: return_x=True merge_batches=True Returns: [type]: [description] (xx, yy), (None, yy) or (xx,) """ xx = None if return_x: xx = np.zeros((len(self), self.batch_size, self.x_hist, *self.x.shape[1:])) # this is probably more general if self.with_y_hist: yy = ( np.zeros((len(self), self.batch_size, int(self.x_hist / self.output_stride), self.nb_classes)) if self.with_y else None ) else: yy = np.zeros((len(self), self.batch_size, self.nb_classes)) if self.with_y else None for cnt, gen_output in enumerate(self): if return_x: if self.unpack_channels: xx[cnt, ...] = np.concatenate(gen_output[0], axis=-1) else: xx[cnt, ...] = gen_output[0] if self.with_y: yy[cnt, ...] = gen_output[1] if merge_batches: if return_x: xx = xx.reshape((len(self) * self.batch_size, self.x_hist, *self.x.shape[1:])) # this is probably more general if self.with_y_hist: yy = ( yy.reshape((len(self) * self.batch_size, int(self.x_hist / self.output_stride), self.nb_classes)) if self.with_y else None ) else: yy = yy.reshape((len(self) * self.batch_size, self.nb_classes)) if self.with_y else None if self.with_y: out = (xx, yy) else: out = (xx,) return out
def __len__(self): """Number of batches.""" return int( self.nb_repeats * max( 0, np.floor( (self.nb_samples - ((self.stride * (self.batch_size - 1)) + self.x_hist)) / (self.stride * (self.batch_size)) ) + 1, ) ) def __str__(self): string = [ "AudioSequence with {} batches each with {} items.\n".format(len(self), self.batch_size), " Total of {} samples with\n".format(self.nb_samples), " each x={} and\n".format(self.x.shape[1:]), ] string.append(" each y={}".format(self.y.shape[1:])) if self.y is not None else "no y." return "".join(string) def __getitem__(self, idx): """Get item from AudioSequence Args: idx (int): batch Returns: batch_x [np.ndarray]: [nb_batches, nb_hist, ..., nb_classes]. batch_y [np.ndarray]: [nb_batches, nb_hist, nb_classes]. weights_y [np.ndarray]: [nb_batches, nb_hist, nb_classes]. """ idx += self._idx_offset batch_x = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.x_hist, *self.x.shape[1:]), dtype=self.x.dtype) if self.with_y: if self.with_y_hist: batch_y = np.zeros( (self.batch_size, int(self.x_hist / self.output_stride), self.nb_classes), dtype=self.y.dtype ) else: batch_y = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.nb_classes), dtype=self.y.dtype) if self.shuffle: # pts = np.random.randint(self.first_sample / self.stride, (self.last_sample - self.x_hist - 1) / self.stride, self.batch_size) pts = np.random.choice(self.allowed_batches, size=self.batch_size, replace=False) else: pts = range( int(self.first_sample / self.stride) + idx * self.batch_size, int(self.first_sample / self.stride) + (idx + 1) * self.batch_size, ) for cnt, bat in enumerate(pts): batch_x[cnt, ...] = self.x[int(bat * self.stride) : int(bat * self.stride + self.x_hist), ...].copy() if self.with_y: if self.with_y_hist: batch_y[cnt, ...] = self.y[ int(bat * self.stride) : int(bat * self.stride + self.x_hist) : self.output_stride, ... ] else: batch_y[cnt, ...] = self.y[int(bat * self.stride + self.y_offset), ...] if self.unpack_channels: batch_x = [batch_x[..., chn][..., np.newaxis] for chn in range(batch_x.shape[-1])] # "mask" input if self.mask_input is not None: batch_x[:, int(batch_x.shape[1] / 2 - self.mask_input) : int(batch_x.shape[1] / 2 + self.mask_input), :] = 0 if self.batch_processor is not None: batch_x = self.batch_processor(batch_x) if self.with_y: out = (batch_x, batch_y) if self.class_weights is not None: # weights contain weight for the class at each time point weights = np.zeros_like(self.weights) labels = np.argmax(batch_y, axis=-1) for label, weight in enumerate(self.class_weights): weights[labels == label] = weight weights *= self.weights # use weights as mask to zero boundaries else: weights = self.weights if self.data_padding > 0: out = (batch_x, batch_y, weights) else: out = (batch_x,) return out